What are the 11 general orders for security guards?

The 11 General Orders for security guards are a set offundamental guidelines and principles that outline the responsibilities and
duties of security personnel. These orders serve as a standard framework to
ensure the safety and Security GuardService in vki jaipur of various establishments and properties,including ATMs. In VKI Jaipur, security guard services play a vital role in
upholding these general orders and protecting clients' assets and interests.

Security Guard Service in VKI Jaipur: VKI (VishwakarmaIndustrial Area) in Jaipur is a prominent industrial hub that houses numerous
businesses, factories, and commercial establishments. Security guard services
in VKI Jaipur are essential for maintaining the security and safety of this
area. Security companies in VKI Jaipur provide skilled security personnel who
are trained to follow the 11 General Orders and fulfill their duties

ATM Security Services: ATM security services are aspecialized branch of security that focuses on protecting Automated Teller
Machines from theft, vandalism, and other security threats. These services are
crucial, as ATMs are often targeted by criminals due to the availability of
cash. Security guard companies in VKI Jaipur provide trained guards to ensure
the security of ATMs by adhering to the 11 General Orders and other security

Let's explore the 11 General Orders for security guards indetail: To Take Charge of This Post and All Government Property in View:
Security guards are responsible for the area they are assigned to protect,
including all government property within their line of sight. This involves
maintaining vigilance and ensuring that property is secure.

To Walk My Post in a Military Manner, Keeping Always on theAlert and Observing Everything That Takes Place Within Sight or Hearing:
Security personnel must patrol their assigned area systematically, maintaining
a high level of alertness and paying attention to any unusual activities or

To Report All Violations of Orders I Am Instructed toEnforce: Guards are required to promptly report any violations or breaches of
security protocols or orders to their superiors or the appropriate authorities.

To Repeat All Calls from Any Post More Distant from theGuardhouse or Quarterdeck Than My Own: Guards are expected to relay important
messages and alerts from distant posts to ensure that information is
effectively communicated throughout the security network.

To Quit My Post Only When Properly Relieved: Security guardsshould not leave their posts until properly relieved by another qualified
guard. This ensures that there are no gaps in Atm securityservices coverage.

To Receive, Obey, and Pass On to the Sentry Who Relieves Me,All Orders from the Commanding Officer, Officer of the Day, and Officers and
Noncommissioned Officers of the Guard Only: Guards must follow and communicate
orders from higher-ranking personnel to maintain a coordinated security effort.

To Talk to No One Except in the Line of Duty: Guards shouldmaintain professionalism and not engage in unnecessary conversations or
interactions while on duty to avoid distractions.

To Give the Alarm in Case of Fire or Disorder: Securitypersonnel must immediately raise an alarm in the event of a fire, disturbance,
or any emergency situation to initiate a rapid response.

To Call the Officer of the Deck in Any Case Not Covered byInstructions: Guards should contact the appropriate authority, typically the
Officer of the Deck, when faced with situations or incidents not explicitly
addressed in their instructions.

To Salute All Officers and All Colors and Standards NotCased: Guards are required to show proper respect and military courtesy by
saluting officers and flags or standards when appropriate.

To Be Especially Watchful at Night and During the Time forChallenges, to Challenge All Persons on or Near My Post, and to Allow No One to
Pass Without Proper Authority: Guards, particularly Security guardagency in jaipur during nighttime, should be extra vigilant andchallenge and identify individuals who approach their post. They should allow
entry only to those with the proper authorization.


The 11 General Orders for security guards provide a clearframework for the duties and responsibilities of security personnel. Security
guard services in VKI Jaipur, including specialized ATM security services,
adhere to these orders to ensure the safety and security of individuals,
property, and assets in the area. Following these orders is essential for
maintaining order and effectively responding to Security Guard company in vki jaipurthreats, making security companies in VKI Jaipur an indispensable part of the
region's safety infrastructure.

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